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With the sole purpose of beholding the wonders of creation, Dimitri, an exoplanetary nakedsoul, was conceived in the Orion Nebula before the Solar System existed.

Riding the winds of his galactic dreams in search of beauty he has been exploring the confines of the Milky Way for aeons.

Most recently, after bypassing Jupiter's orbit in the company of the comet Kearns-Kwee, he glimpsed at the radiance of Polar Aurorae glimmering around a small blue planet. Responding to the call of beauty, his spirit landed on Planet Earth where he was born in human form in a region known as The Centre of the Lake of the Moon.

After spending most of his life adapting to the perplexing ways of humans, one rainy day of the summer of 2005,

following the voice of his cosmic heart, he took to the woods of Vancouver Island.

Copyright. Dimitri Maekawa

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